Margins (31)
What are Margins?
Where can I check my available margins?
What are the margin/fund requirements for an intraday trade?
What are the margin/fund requirements for a delivery trade?
What are the margin/fund requirements for an F&O trade?
Can I use intraday profits to take new positions?
Why are intraday margins increased when the market is volatile?
Can I get leverage for delivery positions?
Can I use the options premium received to open new F&O positions?
When is a margin penalty debited to my ledger?
What is the margin required to take a hedged position? Why am I unable to enter a hedged position even though I have the required funds?
Can there be a change in the margin requirements for my open MTF/BTST positions?
Can I get margins against today's sales proceeds?
Are there margin requirements to sell my shares?
If I receive a margin call, by when do I have to comply with the additional requirements?
What is the rate of margin penalty charged by the exchange?
What is the Margin Call email and SMS?
How do I access my Margin Report/Summary from MyGeojit?
What are Peak Margins?
What is a Margin Penalty?
What is a Margin Shortfall?
What is a Margin Report?
What is Mark To Market (MTM)?
What is Collateral Margin?
What are the different types of margins levied by the exchanges?
I made profits trading intraday today, but it is not updated in my buying power. I am unable to trade using this buying power. Why?
Where can I view my MTM position value?
What securities are considered as cash equivalent for margins?
What is Day P&L? Where can I view my Day P&L?
How can I reduce margin requirements for F&O trades?
Why am I receiving violation messages when placing orders in derivatives, BTST, or MTF orders?