Why are my mutual fund holdings on FLIP and FundsGenie different?

Mutual fund holdings on FLIP and FundsGenie cannot be compared as: 

FLIP mobile FundsGenie
Includes mutual fund units held in demat form.
Includes mutual fund units held in physical and demat form.
Includes mutual fund units held as 
free balance.

As holdings are released from the lock-in, holdings on FLIP are updated. Note that the average cost is taken based on your overall purchase rate (including holdings under lock-in).
Includes mutual fund units held as
free balance and those under a lock-in.

Purchases are credited to your demat account after settlement. However, it takes 1-2 days for back-end processes to collect and update details of your new purchase rate. Hence, it will take a few days after settlement for the correct rate to reflect in your Portfolio on FLIP and MyGeojit.
Average rate and quantity are updated simultaneously in your FundsGenie account.

To get accurate details of the performance of your equity holdings, it is recommended to check your Portfolio of FLIP or the P&L Statement on MyGeojit. Similarly, for mutual fund holdings, check your Portfolio on FundsGenie or the Mutual Funds Holding Report on MyGeojit.

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