Why are my mutual fund holdings on FLIP and FundsGenie different?
Mutual fund holdings on FLIP and FundsGenie cannot be compared as:
FLIP mobile | FundsGenie |
Includes mutual fund units held in demat form. | Includes mutual fund units held in physical and demat form. |
Includes mutual fund units held as free balance. As holdings are released from the lock-in, holdings on FLIP are updated. Note that the average cost is taken based on your overall purchase rate (including holdings under lock-in). | Includes mutual fund units held as free balance and those under a lock-in. |
Purchases are credited to your demat account after settlement. However, it takes 1-2 days for back-end processes to collect and update details of your new purchase rate. Hence, it will take a few days after settlement for the correct rate to reflect in your Portfolio on FLIP and MyGeojit. | Average rate and quantity are updated simultaneously in your FundsGenie account. |
To get accurate details of the performance of your equity holdings, it is recommended to check your Portfolio of FLIP or the P&L Statement on MyGeojit. Similarly, for mutual fund holdings, check your Portfolio on FundsGenie or the Mutual Funds Holding Report on MyGeojit.
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