What is Profit Booking feature in Smartfolios?

The Profit Booking feature allows you to withdraw the profitable portion of your Smartfolios investment, while adhering to the minimum investment requirement. Profit Booking is permissible only when your holding value is more than the minimum investment by a specific amount. The Profit Booking / Selling will be done only on profitable stocks and will be dependent on how much the stock has gone up from its model basket allocation. More the profit, higher will be the selling percentage of the particular stock. The realizable profit booking amount will be arrived at on a best effort basis and will be an approximate amount, after considering the virtual cash balance and Liquid ETF, especially in that priority. If the amount is within the virtual cash, there will be no selling recommendation and virtual cash will be adjusted accordingly. 

This feature will be available only between 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on trading days, provided there is no pending recommendation for that specific basket. 

Profit Booking is applicable for all lumpsum baskets except Ace, Magic, Prime, Prestige (Via Smartfolios Web Application only). 

Investors can also contact the Branch to avail "Book Profit" feature in Smartfolio.

Steps for availing the feature:

Step 1. Login to Smartfolios Web.

Step 2. Go to "My Folios" and click on "View" button of your active lumpsum folio.

Step 3. Click on "Additional Investment/ Withdrawal" button.

Step 4. Select "Profit Booking" option.

Step 5. Click on "Continue" button in the pop up with description of Profit Booking.

Step 6. Click on the "Confirm" button in the next pop up.

Step 7. A pop up will be shown with details of minimum network required for Profit Booking, maximum withdrawal amount allowed and virtual cash in folio.

Step 8. Profit Booking amount input field will be active only if sufficient network is available.

Step 9. After providing the Profit Booking amount in the input field, net approximate withdrawal amount will be calculated and shown after considering virtual cash, cash equivalents like liquid ETF. Click on "Confirm" button.

Step 10. The recommendation list along with the number of units to be sold will be shown in a pop up.  Click on "Confirm" within the expiry of the generated recommendation. 

Step 11. Final selling confirmation will be shown with the stocks and respective quantities to be sold. Click on "Place Order" to execute or click "Cancel".

Step 12. "Order Placed" message is displayed if successfully captured.

Step 13. The Profit Booking withdrawal request will be sent for execution and will be processed at exchange as market order.

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