How do I receive recommendations of Stock Wallet?

You will receive recommendations via the following ways:

1. WhatsApp

  • You will receive message via WhatsApp which will have details like the name of the Stock Wallet, name of the stock, quantity to be bought, entry range, target range, stoploss and the expiry date.
  • You may go through the message carefully and click on the "Approve" button.
  • You will receive a confirmation message for which they will have to enter a confirmation code which will be a combination of the first four letters of their PAN followed by the date of birth in "DDMM" format to authorize the trades.

2. Stock Wallet Web

  • You can log on to Stock Wallet.
  • New stock recommendations will be displayed within each subscribed Stock Wallet under the section "Active Stock Ideas".

Note: Once a recommendation is approved via any one of the above options, the other option will automatically disabled. 

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