What are the "Net Value Summary" figures under Account Summary in MyGeojit?

Net Value Summary is the detailed figure of the net holdings in your account. It includes the value of your holdings, stocks held with Geojit, unsettled positions and the cash balance in your trading account.

Net Value as on date = Holding value as on date (Equity & MF) + Stock value held with the broker - Unsettled positions + Cash balance in your trading account.

  • Holding: This is the market value of your demat account holdings (as per the previous closing rate), mutual fund units (under Geojit ARN), ETFs, bonds and government securities held in your account. Mutual fund units purchased through other brokers (other ARN codes) are not included in this figure.
  • Stock value held with Broker: This is the market value of purchased holdings (as per the previous closing rate) which are yet to be credited to your demat account.
  • Unsettled positions: This is the value of unsettled positions in your account. It is the sum of unsettled positions calculated based on its average buy rate.
  • Cash balance:  This is the clear ledger balance available in your trading account as per the previous day.
  • Holdings Marked for Payin: These are the value of the stocks which are sold on the previous day and blocked in the DP. 

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