What is the procedure for a nominee to claim funds and securities of a deceased Geojit client?
For the transmission of funds and securities in the event of the death of (all) account holders, the assigned nominees are required to:
Sl No. | Requirements |
1. | Open new individual demat account(s) in the nominee(s) name(s). If they have a Demat account with another broker, a signed DP Client Master List (with the broker seal) of each nominee can be submitted to transfer balances to that account. |
2. | Clear AMC and dues (if any). |
3. | Submit the following documents: ii. Due Diligence & Notifier Intimation Forms from the Joint account holder(s)/Nominee(s)/Legal Representative(s)/Family Member/Notifier. iii. Notifiers self-attested ID proof iv. Self-attested copy of PAN v. A copy of the Death Certificate, attested by a Notary Public or Gazetted Officer vi. Holding Statement signed by the claimants (nominees) |
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