What is a Cash order?

Also known as a Delivery order, Cash orders are an order product type that involves taking/giving delivery of shares on buy/sell transactions. 

In India we follow a rolling settlement cycle, which means that trades are settled as follows: 
  • Equity Delivery Trades- 1 trading day after the transaction date (T+1).
  • Derivatives Carry Forward Trades- 1 trading day after the transaction date (T+1).

Here 'T' refers to the trade/transaction date. 

As a result, shares are transferred to your demat account for buy transactions, and transferred out of your demat account for sell transactions, within T+1 trading days. 

To place a cash buy order, 100% of the order value is to be maintained in your trading account as cash or pledge margins. 

And for a cash sell order, 100% of the order quantity must be available in your demat account.

To place a Cash order on FLIP Mobile/ TraderX:

Select the Product as CASH in the order placement window.

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