Where can I view my Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement?

A Profit & Loss Statement shows the details of trade-related transactions executed in a financial year. It includes security-wise details of realised & unrealised profit/loss, number of shares, average purchase rate, holdings value, market value, etc.
  • Realised Profit/Loss- If you have bought and sold a particular stock in the selected financial year, the actual profit/loss earned will be displayed if you select 'Realised' while generating the statement.
  • Unrealised Profit/Loss- If you have bought a particular stock, and have not sold it in the selected financial year, the unrealised profit/loss will be displayed when you select 'Unrealised' while generating the statement. Here the outstanding quantity is compared with closing rates of previous day of the date on which P/L statement is generated and accordingly the unrealised profit/loss is arrived.
  • You can choose to generate both realised and unrealised details together by selecting 'Both'

Your Profit & Loss Statement can be accessed through MyGeojit:

Step 1. Log in to MyGeojit and go to Statements

Step 2. Select P&L for the Period

Step 3. Select Realized / Unrealized / Both

Step 4. Select the From Date & To Date > Submit 

* The P&L Statement provided here is not computed for filing tax returns.

* For tax purposes, use the Tax Based VAS Report available on MyGeojit.

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