What are the benefits of Geojit's PMS?

Our PMS aims to provide an investment solution to a niche segment of investors. Its benefits include:
  • Professional Management- Our portfolios are managed by registered and well established portfolio managers, with the objective of consistent long-term returns.
  • Range of Portfolios- To cater to varying financial goals and risk appetites, we have portfolios with differing investment strategies.
  • Convenience and Continuous Monitoring- Our portfolios are constantly monitored and updated to stay on track with the market and optimise returns based on the investment strategy. We take care of all administrative tasks with respect to your portfolio. You will receive periodic performance updates which can also be checked on MyGeojit.
  • Long Term Wealth Creation- We strive to create long-term wealth for our PMS clients by taking advantage of our experience in equity markets, financial market operations, fundamental analysis and stock picking,
  • Transparency- All information regarding your PMS account and holdings are always available to you on MyGeojit. We provide comprehensive statements and updates regarding your performance and the market on a regular basis. 
  • Tax Assistance- We provide audited yearly financial statements which can be used to determine and file your taxes.

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